TOMD offer additional products that can be ‘bolted on’, or in some cases bought as standalone items, to a MyMarketing service. Examples would be the weekly News in Review or topic guides. You can read more about these products here. TOMD also offer other marketing services and products, and you can read about them here.

The core MyMarketing services are subscription services purchased through SimplyBiz. The cost for these will be added to your monthly direct debit. ‘Bolt on’ products are purchased direct from TOMD. They will invoice you separately for these.


Only want to order on an ad hoc basis?

It may be that you aren’t yet ready to subscribe to a MyMarketing website or client communications package but would like to purchase some of the items on an ad hoc basis. The good news is you can do so, you can find out more by clicking here.

MyMarketing is part of SimplyBiz. They provide marketing and communication services, and web solutions exclusively to members and clients of SimplyBiz. MyMarketing is provided by and hosted by The Outsourced Marketing Department Limited (TOMD).