Each of the above documents can be downloaded, or purchased, in a PDF, Word document or printed format (prices quoted above are for PDF/HTML/Word format only). They can also be provided in HTML* format, and there is an email facility function available with each MyCommunications package.
*The quarterly magazine is not available in HTML format. The email facility function has an additional charge of £5 per campaign and 1p per client sent to.
The most cost-effective way to purchase our content, either as publications or as articles, is through MyCommunications packages or MyWebsite Packages, however you can also buy these on an ad hoc basis.
The costs vary, but as an example, the Economic Review purchased as a personalised PDF (with your logo and contact details) costs just £45 + VAT.
TOMD also produce a range of specialist content that can be ‘bolted on’ to one of your packages or purchased as a standalone product.
To find out more, you can browse the TOMD website: www.tomd.co.uk, or contact TOMD on: 01279 657555 or info@tomd.co.uk